
How Strong Is A Smith & Wesson Magnum And What's The Caliber Size

How Smith got and then strong?

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De UnKnOwN 1

I was wonderin, how the hell did smith go so strong? he was ever strong simply never a lucifer for Neo anyway, but now all of a sudden he is super man. i think he got strong by absorbing Seraph which is prolly the case since seraph was the but one neo had problem fighting, any opinions....?

The One Himself

The Smith that beats Neo is an Oracle/Smith combo...

Lord Soth

That, and information technology'due south explained that Agent Smith is a "One" of a different design; Smith negative, Neo positive.

De UnKnOwN i

thats dumb cuz, the oracle is some old lady how does she make smith and so damn strong......

The One Himself

The answer is: Eat more cookies and you will detect out the reason...

Lord Soth

Well, he combined his strength w/ the Oracle'due south all-knowing-ness


i think that the smith'south fight power is of seraph, and the capacity of come across the futurity is oracle'south

Lord Soth

That'due south a good idea besides. Information technology makes more sense


The Oracle-Smith gave Smith the power because she was a stronger plan, not designed for fighting by nature - simply smith was. He besides had taken every body within the Matrix, and had a collective consiousness from which he drew upon. He essentially gained the aforementioned level control of the Matrix past taking everything continued to it. Did Seraph play a part? Yes, anybody Smith took over played a part in his strength and it was not any one person.


ummm also cloning himself onto seraph he also cloned himself onto like countless numbers of other people too...HELLOOOOO??? Could information technology be that they added to his strength?

The One Himself

Each Smith is a combination of two codes: Smith lawmaking and the host code..Nothing more...The Oracle can encounter the future, and is i of the oldest programs in the Matrix...She knows everything near the Matrix code...


greatest tip GABRIEL05 thumb up
the smith'south strong is related with everybody that he was assimilated, and only not for the oracle
Happy Dance

Lord Soth

adept point. I get confused easily in this forum big grin


He ate some spinach yes


Isn't that what I said?! *sighs and shakes caput* sad I feel so friggin' ignored sometimes! stick out tongue


I tin can figure out HOW Smith got so strong, but I'm not articulate WHY he changed in the first identify. I get the concept that he is the yin to Neo'south yang, and he's the -ane to Neo's +one and all that, merely that doesn't explain why the program that was working to clear out troublemakers developed a new purpose, presumably to destroy everything. Unless information technology'southward that after Neo refused to go along with the Architect and reboot the Matrix, Smith had to take on that goal?


Smith's Purpose, has been ever since he was "destroyed" by Neo in M1, has been to exist the "cataclysmic system crash" the Architect told usa of. Merely the ONE tin cease him.

Lord Soth

I inappreciably understood anything the Builder said during that sequence; he was talking way also fast


No, Smith became the negative at the end of the first moving-picture show. When Neo destroyed him, Smiths cadre was still intact, but, due to the means that Neo used to destroy Smith, and Smith finding a new host, some of Smith'due south lawmaking was inverse. He became a virus obsessed with his purpose - a purpose to stop Neo. That was his orriginal purpose, to a degree, and now it is his soul purpose.


Then slow it down! smile Here's a transcript, it might help. There is a lot to depict in from this chat, more than just the words, here y'all go:


all good points.... but i withal call up it is mostly of the oracle and seraph office that makes smith so strong

-LONG Alive SMITH!!!


When he infected the oracle, and stuff starting time blowing abroad, it was because she was so powerful. Like Jedi said, he becomes i with the host, which is the way the oracle prepare him up.

The oracle helped plan the matrix, so I'grand sure, like the trainman programed Mobil Ave and then he could exist god, the Oracle could as well programme the matrix so she was a god, but like the builder.

I'm certain the Colonel Sanders could boot ass if he wanted to.

That'due south why he was so powerful. Remember when Neo said "Information technology ends tonight" and Smith was similar "I know, I've seen it" was because he was still one with the oracle, that one super smith...

In the end he said "everything that has a beginning has an cease, Neo" but smith e'er called him Mr Anderson, so that was the oracle talking.


I've got to go dorsum and run into the starting time and second movies again. I take forgotten also much! Thanks.


it happens to me all the time, simply but in the LOTR forum for some reason? Hmmm....


could smith have taken over the archie? cause he did call the oracle "mom"


Smith also captivated Neo's lawmaking remember?....That immune him to equal Neo'southward power!

The One Himself

Merely merely part of it


Yes...and and then added with the Oracle's stuff! He got even stronger!


LoL I'grand like Seraph - a powerful presence and yet...a ghost, or maybe an anomaly that cannot be seen inside the program, or even an Agent, taking on a host at will simply to terminate the connection and disappear. stick out tongue And must live in Mordor...y'all must live behind the eye, within Saron, or fifty-fifty the Nazgul? roll eyes (sarcastic) Heheh...Oh well...I'll get over information technology.


The problem is that Neo carried the bibelot, and the anomaly creates fluxuations within fifty-fifty the simplest mathmatical equations. After Smith took over Neo, watch the Neo-Smith's postier, and his geusters. They are very fluid, his stance is very much like Neo's, and he does not speak. The anomaly still had command, because Neo's mind did not accept the matrix, smith could non exercise annihilation but take over the host shell, but not the mind itself. Neo nonetheless existed at that point, and had control. It was just the connection the all the other Smiths, the collective consious, the collective Smith, that Neo needed access to to let the Machines to destroy Smith when he could not.

Besides, Neo was the positive end of the anomaly, Smith was the Negative - that said, if yous combine the two the power would cancel itself out, which is why Neo needed the Machines to kill Smith instead of doing it himself. Simplistically put that is.


Sorry tour that mate. Couldn't resist.

Lord Soth

~caput explodeds~ This line of dialogue is mind-extraordinary....I'm sticking to horror, much more straightfoward......


I belive smith got then powerful by absorbing The Oracle, Seraph, The Little girl Sati countless Agents that the matrix probably sent later him and a few BILLION people still pluged into the matrix. He got his sight from the oracle, He became potent enough to 1 on ane neo after absorbing Seraph (who 1 on 1s neo and holds his own n reloaded) likewise the Agents and Billions of people had to add to his forcefulness. The only thing I don't become is how he can fly.


S'ok. stick out tongue I was just kidding around when I said that. smile


*to everyone* He'south gonna pop! *to Lord Soth* Breath Soth..

LoL To much intake?


He captivated the entity of the matrix itself since he absorbed everything connected to it. He ruled the coding at that betoken. If y'all remember, the matrix code was all distorted on all the ships screens, and this was because Smith had total command, he became "God" in the matrix world.


So the stop of Revolutions (the final fight) was basicly clash of the titans 2 gods withen the matrix one a human from the existent globe and the other a programme from the matrix. Wonder if they symbolize anything in history or a concept of ii religions fighting or who knows. Hope to have some awnser when im done dling rev.



Yep and no. At that place are many instances in Mythology and history that correspond this "clash of the titans." Hercules, Samsone, David and Goliath, Peresus, the Jews and the Egyptians, the Romans and the Christians, the Christians and the Pagans, the Christians and the Muslims, even the USA collonies against England and more.

I take seen the pic many times, and the big fight between Smith and Neo seems to echo the outset fight between Smith and Neo in the subway station through when Neo "destroyed" Smith. Neo's fighting technique was quite simular to the technique used in the first movie down to some of the aforementioned moves. Neo jumped into Smith, in the first picture show, took over and terminated Smith's program shell, in the 2nd pic Smith entered Neo (via the copy) and the positive and negatives were in unison, cancelling each other out and the Machines terminated the shells. Everything that happened in Revo was rather reminecent of the start motion-picture show, fifty-fifty Neo's chat with the Oracle.

Don't think of information technology anyway other than a wait back, and philosophically. I fear that if you practice you'll be making a stretch to a connexion that isn't whole heartedly there. Ofcourse if you find the evidence to support a connection I'd be interested in hearing it! smile


Well (to come dorsum to your question, the topic of this thread), first of all how did Smith get back into the Matrix subsequently existence blown into pieces by Neo?

Past the way, I think much of his power Smith collected is cause of Sati. Taking over a program without purpose is taking over a program without no limits to its power. So he used the unlimited power of Sati to break (and not bend) the rules of the Matrix, like gravity.

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How Strong Is A Smith & Wesson Magnum And What's The Caliber Size,


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