
What Size Sewing Machine Needle For Denim

Sometimes, sewing machine needles tin seem confusing and overwhelming. Newcomers to sewing often experience stress, wasted thread, and textile when trying to find the right needle for their project. I didn't even know the difference betwixt needlepoint vs cross stitch when I started.

To help you feel more at ease, I accept gathered all the information you need to know about sewing automobile needle sizes.

What sewing car needles practise

Before we really get into learning nigh bigger and smaller needle sizes, we need to know what a sewing machine needle actually does. There are three main roles during the sewing process:

  • Making a hole in fabric to allow the sewing thread to laissez passer through and course a stitch without damaging the fabric in the process.
  • Carrying the needle thread through the fabric so that a loop is formed. The loop is and then taken back upwards by the hook in the lockstitch machine.
  • Passing the thread through the loop that has been created.

What is a sewing machine needle?

Sewing Machine Needle
Sewing Automobile Needle

A sewing machine needle is a specialized needle designed for use specifically with a sewing motorcar.

Sewing machine needles are classed by two characteristics: the size of the needle, which refers to the thickness of the needle shaft, and the type of the needle for a specific purpose or projection.

You tin can notice info virtually the type and the thickness of the needle on the packaging of the needles.

Is a sewing machine needle different from a regular needle?

The pattern of a mitt sewing needle is much simpler than a sewing car needle. Mitt sewing needles take an centre on one end and a point on the other, and their length varies depending on the size and blazon.

Typically, larger needles are longer than smaller needles, and the shape of the eye also varies between the types.

Needle Size Numbers

1 of the major differences between a hand sewing needle and a motorcar sewing needle is the sizing numbers.

The size usually indicates the diameter, but with manus sewing needles, the larger the number, the smaller the needle. With sewing motorcar needles, the opposite is truthful.

Sewing Machine Needle Parts

Let's look at the dissimilar parts of a sewing car needle.


At the top of a sewing car needle you have the shank. One side is rounded and the other side is flat. The flat side should always face away from you when putting in a new sewing machine needle.


You then have the shaft of the needle and on the other side a groove.


On the forepart of the shaft is a little grove where the thread will sit.


Backside, facing away from you is where nosotros accept the scarf, which will change according to the role of the needle.


The eye is the pigsty where the thread goes through.


It is both the point and the center that change according to the function of the needle. These two components will take a big impact on what y'all are sewing and how well it sews.

Sewing car needle types

Types Of Sewing Needle
Types Of Sewing Needle

Universal needles

Universal needles are the sewing machine needles that almost of us will probably buy in our sewing careers. The needle has been designed to work universally across well-nigh fabrics, including fatty quarters.

The tip is slightly rounded or ballpoint and should piece of work well for most of your sewing projects.


Information technology'south a flake of a mix, then it's pointy enough for woven fabrics and "ball pointy" enough for knit fabrics and synthetics!

Information technology will sew nearly woven fabrics, polyester and knits. The universal needle tin exist left on your sewing auto most of the time, every bit the everyday casual sewist can sew pretty much any project without having to become overly technical.


The ballpoint needle is platonic for cotton knits, fleece, rib knits, and double knit fabrics (as well known as jersey).

The tip is more than circular than a universal needle, equally the tip is designed to move fabrics autonomously rather than cutting them, preventing the knit fabric from lathering or bunching after stitches.

Stretch needles

Stretch needles are designed specially for two fashion stretch knits and anything that is highly elasticized, such as spandex or lycra.

The stretch needle is not really suitable for your average jersey fabric. In fact, the stretch needle has a specially designed scarf to prevent skipped stitches.

Quilting sewing machine needle

A quilting needle is used for piecing and quilting layers of cotton fiber fabrics with the layer of wadding or batting in betwixt.

Even if yous're simply piecing but need to sew though lots of seams, the strengthened shaft and groove help reduce needle deflections as it goes through multiple layers of material.

Denim / jean sewing machine needles

These are ideally suited to sew denim fabrics, sail, or tightly woven fabrics such as piece of work article of clothing. Information technology'due south engineered to have a very precipitous tip and a stiffer shank to prevent information technology from needle deflection.

This is to finish it from bending or breaking, likewise equally to pierce denim fabrics easily and allow penetration for very dense cloth.

Wing sewing machine needle

A wing, or hem-stitching needle is used to achieve an eyelet result on sewing projects, also known as an heirloom effect. The two minor flanges on either side of the needle creates holes in the fabric past separating the fibers while the hole is held open up by the stitching. In general, information technology'southward best to run up with cotton and light fabrics.

Here's what a wing needle and fly stitch look like.

How To Stitch A Hemstitch Using A Wing Needle


Metallic ones are platonic for sewing and embroidery with metallic or rayon threads on woven or knitted fabrics.

The needles are designed with a larger eye of the needle, to let the thread to flow through freely as you stitch without splitting, equally metallic thread tends to be a lot thicker.

This needle is too good to use for general purpose sewing, giving its added advantage of being easier to thread.

Embroidery needles

Embroidery on Green Fabric
Embroidery on Green Fabric

These are specially designed for sheer embroidery fabrics and threads, such every bit rayon, polyester, or cotton. It features a wide eye pigsty to allow thread to pass through freely.

The scarf has been specially designed with an oversized bump, to reduce the chance of skipped stitches – they could hands occur with a fast moving sew together!

Twin needle

Twin needles consist of the same shank as a regular sewing machine needle, but branch out from two points that are variably spaced.

They produce 2 lines of parallel stitching as the bobbin zigzags between them.

Twin needles can be used for fabrics similar polyester and spandex to assistance stretch the stitch when pulling items over your artillery and head.

Precipitous needle

The sharp betoken is designed for sewing through multiple layers of tightly woven fabrics such every bit silk, microfiber, and other constructed fabrics.

It's neat for straight stitching and patchwork. The abrupt betoken will give you a perfect straight stitch, making it an platonic needle for topstitching and patchwork.


The leather needle has a cut indicate that is used for sewing leather, suede, and other difficult to sew leather projects.

The leather needle is often referred to every bit a chisel point needle since the betoken resembles a chisel in movement.

In case you lot're looking for a car for sewing leather, cheque out my review here.

Top run up

My favorite needles and the ones I use the most, have an actress large centre, which accommodates thick topstitching thread. And, they have an extra sharp point which helps penetrate through thick and medium weight fabrics.

How practice I cull a needle for my sewing machine?

Sewing Machine Close Up
Sewing Machine Close Up

When I first started sewing I used the aforementioned size needle for months! I but used a new needle when it snapped (mostly from my mistake).

I'd never considered how the needle works with different types of material before I started sewing. When selecting the right needle for your projection, consider a few things first:


This is the nearly of import factor in deciding which sewing car needles to use. Yous desire to make sure the needle tip will be able to pierce through the textile, but without damaging the fabric, bending, or breaking.

Take a look at the chart to help guide you with sewing machine needle types.

Fabric (These are listed as examples of weight, but tin can be of whatever fiber, cotton, linen, silk, wool, synthetic, rayon, blends.) Automobile needle blazon Machine needle sizes
Sheer to lightweight fabrics: batiste, chiffon, microfiber or micro denier fabrics, Regular signal seventy / 9 or fourscore 12
Lightweight: handkerchief linen, silk, gauze Regular point 80 12
Medium weight: broadcloth, linen, polin, flannel, velvet, synthetic suedes Regular signal 90 / xiv
Medium weight to heavy-weight: blanket, false fur, ticking, woollens Regular point 100 / sixteen or 110 / 18
Denim and sheet Denim jeans 100 / 16
Sheer to lightweight fabrics and knits: jersey, unmarried knot, spandex, tricot Brawl point 70 / 10 or 80 12
Medium to heavy weight knits: double knit, sweatshirt, sweater knit. Ball point 90 / xiv
Speciality fabrics: leather, suede, buckskin Wedge point 90 / xiv or 100 / 16


If y'all are using slightly thicker threads, or y'all detect yourself having trouble threading the needle or with the thread breaking, look for a sewing machine needle that has a slightly larger middle.

This will help you thread and even allow the threads to move around more freely.

How to choose the right thread

The larger the number for the threads, the thinner the thread volition exist. The smaller the number on the thread, the thicker the thread will exist.

East.chiliad. a size 12 would be skillful for a half sew together or a decorative run up, whereas a 40 or fifty count would exist used for virtually sewing with standard cotton cloth.

If you need more data, refer to this sewing thread size chart.

Automobile needle sizes and needle thickness

Nosotros know that the smaller the needle number, the finer the needle type, needle size, and the thread information technology can suit.

The larger the number on the needle, the thicker the needle type, which can also piece of work with heavier threads for stitches.

In order to help avoid confusion when purchasing the right size sewing machine needles, here's an easy to think correlation betwixt the number and the verbal diameter of the needle:

Number and Diameter

Needle Marking Chart
Needle Marking Chart

If y'all are using sizes 100/16 (European/American) the 100 needles are 1mm in bore. Thus, 90/14 needles are 0.9mm in diameter, and a lxx/10 is 0.7mm in bore. I've provided a helpful nautical chart above to aid you lot run into the correlation.

Another tip to think is this: the thicker the needles, the thicker the fabric.

Blazon of sewing

Different types of sewing crave dissimilar sewing machine needles. If yous volition be embroidering or free motion sewing, then I recommend using needle sizes with a larger eyelet to foreclose thread from breaking during high speed movement.

Also, yous could use a sharper needle to forbid any impairment or bunching to the fabric.

Practise all needles fit all sewing machines?

You'll exist pleased to know that any sewing machine needle sizes purchased from a haberdashery should be uniform with any relatively modern domestic types of sewing machines.

How to read sewing motorcar needle sizes?

Every needle'southward packaging comes with a set up of two numbers on them. These numbers refer to ii systems: the European system (metric) and the American organization (majestic). The big numbers are European and smaller numbers are American.


The larger the number on the needles, the larger the auto needle size will be. The most common needle sizes you'll utilize are lxxx 12 and 90 14, which are universal threading.

Material Type

The sewing motorcar needle sizes link to the fabric you are using. The larger the numbers, the thicker the textile you lot can sew.

Conversely, the smaller the numbers, the effectively the fabric should exist, for example, 75/eleven needle is for sheer fabrics, thin frail fabrics. 100 / 16 would be outdoor and thicker fabrics and denim.

Universal Needle Size

Nosotros can come across how clever the universal needle size is, because it can carry pretty much whatever category from a 70/ten – 90/xiv and will embrace well-nigh types of fabric.

Simply, if y'all are doing a specific project with specific textile, information technology's skilful to attempt and pinpoint that size and utilize a specific needle rather than a universal one.

How to insert a sewing machine needle?

To supervene upon a needle, simply loosen the set screw which is commonly on the right, simply above where the sewing machine needle lives. Pull the needle out by moving it downward and toward you. Insert the new needle and then the scarf is facing abroad from you, and re-tighten the ready spiral.

That's all at that place is to it! If y'all're however stuck here's a video that can help y'all.

How To: Change Needle on Sewing Machine (Sewing for Beginners)

When should I replace my sewing machine needle?

Change the needle after sewing two or three different garments, every 8 hours, or after striking the pin.

A bent blunt or buried needle tin can often cause damage to your project. Uneven or skipped stitches are usually the effect of an incorrect needle size or blazon.

After a while of sewing, you might cull to up your sewing skills as a seamstress and play around with other fabrics and other fabrics.

If and then, you'd demand to alter the needle for the unique purpose of the project at the time.


Needles tin often break or go out of shape when trying to pierce through multiple layers of fabric or over a seam, and so y'all'll desire a needle with a strengthened shaft if you will be sewing on thicker layers.

I don't remember needles are the place to exist pinching the pennies – y'all want to make sure y'all change your needle often to get the best sewing results.

Needlepoint Tips

  • When replacing a sewing machine needle, information technology can be helpful to cover the presser human foot area with a piece of paper so you don't accidentally drop the needle down into the car.
  • Modify the needle for every projection to save troubleshooting issues.
  • In my feel, all needles have performed well regardless of the brand, so try cheap or buy in bulk – they cost merely pennies, and y'all want to have variation in sizes for each project.
  • When inserting a new needle, brand sure it's inserted correctly, else it might not sew properly. The flat side of the needle should be facing toward the back of the machine. Make certain it is all the way up in the needle clamp.
  • If your needle keeps breaking, it could be a sign that the sewing machine needle size is besides small for the thickness of the fabric being sewn. In this case, make sure to change to a larger sized needle.


While figuring out what's the right sewing machine needle for your projects might seem daunting at first, I promise it doesn't accept to be!

More often than not, a big part of sewing is dependent on what yous and your car like, but effort to brand sure yous do have the proper needle for your fabric.

Learning Needle Sizes

Once you get to grips with sewing automobile needle sizes, you'll take upped your skills to the next level.

The sewing automobile needle size isn't something yous want to overlook, as it tin accept a desperate impact on the overall aesthetic of your project. Thus, it'south worth spending the time to master.

Happy sewing!

What Size Sewing Machine Needle For Denim,


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